AOCS 0311-A was prepared from MON87708 soybeans provided by Monsanto Company. AOCS 0311-A is available in 10 g of powder, packaged in 27-mL glass headspace vials.
Additional Details: 0311A Certificate | 0311A Report |A2LA Scope
All sales are final and cannot be returned or refunded. If you require a proforma invoice that includes true value for customs, please contact Full payment is required by all purchasers before products will be shipped.
To avoid delivery delays, seizure, clearance and third party intervention:It is the customer’s responsibility to know the rules and regulations of their country and operate within those guidelines to secure delivery of ordered products.Email all required government paperwork (i.e. import permits, phytosanitary certificates) that must be included with the shipment toorders@aocs.orgimmediately after placing your order. Duty, Tax Customs storage fees, and any additional charges incurred from these requirements will be borne by the recipient.
The tariff code for certified reference materials is 3822.00.6000
AOCS(美国油脂化学协会)是专门的志愿者帮助指导AOCS从一个小型区域组织进入一个在全世界都有影响力的国际社会。 AOCS在大萧条时期幸存下来,并在20世纪40年代进行了快速扩张,并在20世纪70年代进行了国际扩张。 根据主要成员和志愿者的重要反馈,AOCS已成为“全球油脂纽带"。
AOCS 0711-A3转基因标准物质由从巴斯夫提供的干净的Ms1油菜叶中提取的油菜基因组DNA制备。